English: Summer Flowers.

English: Summer Flowers. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

white linens billow
against a green
flowers bounce
swaying- –
their upturned faces
bright paint splotches
glowing in golden sun- –
children smile
in shades of melon
and sun fire red
through blue
water- –

Summer smiles
through the sorrow
in your eyes- –
searching for
your own piece
of peace within,
without speaking
your wishes or wants
coming in
and stepping out
of loss- -summer
isn’t really cold- –
hold on to that

I’ll give you
moonlight  blue butterflies
and okra blossom kisses- –
little summer blessing smiles- –
dawning a new fire
to sparkle your eyes- –
patchwork pieces
of peace for you
in the shifting
of long days
through summer

Inspired by the Peter Gaberiel song “In Your Eyes”, one of the 1980’s goodies.
Poem Copyright 2013, by Suzie Ashby.